Hello Readers,
TNPSC has recently introduced Computer Based Exams also and there are some guidelines for those candidates who appear for these tests. Pls find below the same
TNPSC has recently introduced Computer Based Exams also and there are some guidelines for those candidates who appear for these tests. Pls find below the same
- The candidate has to appear for the examination at the venue he / she has been allotted to the examination. Change of centre or venue is not permitted.
- He has to carry the Hall Ticket (Admission Card) and same has to be produced at the examination venue.
- Each Candidate will be assigned a Computer to take up the examination.
- Candidates shall use the Reg_id and password received through SMS and email, immediately after the submission of application, to login the system.
- Necessary instructions will be displayed on screen. Kindly read all the instructions carefully.
- Candidates are not permitted to carry any electronic and/or communication device into the examination hall. They are advised not to bring the electronic gadgets with them.
- The Examination will be of 180 minutes (3 hours) duration with 200 questions to be answered. The question paper will be bilingual in English and Tamil. For certain Technical Posts, Question papers will be in English only, as specified in the Notification.
- Computer Based Test (CBT) is similar to paper pen shading test.
- In CBT, questions with four options each will be displayed in the computer screen.
- Candidate has to click one of the best answer to the question.
- Candidates can proceed to the next question by clicking next button. Or previous question by clicking previous button. Further, they can select any question by clicking the question number displayed at the bottom.
- Candidates can review any question and the answers, and the answers can be changed at any time before the closure of examination. They can skip the questions also, if they desire so.
- Use the keyboard only to key-in the Register number, User id (Reg_id) and Password.
- Candidate can use only the mouse to select the correct answers and proceed with answering the questions.
- Candidates can submit their answers at any time during the examination. If he / she wants to close the examination, he / she can but shall remain in the seat till the scheduled time of examination.
- Once the answers are submitted, the candidates have no option to proceed further.
- If the candidate fails to submit their responses at the closure of examination, the system will automatically submit the responses chosen till that point of time of the candidate to the server.
- No computer knowledge is required to take up the CBT. Knowledge in Mouse operation is suffice to take up the CBT.
- The question and answers can be zoomed to the required level for the candidates with visual impairment.
- The Registration will start at 08.30 AM and sharply close at 10.30 AM. No candidates will be admitted after 10.30 AM. Candidates have to sign the attendance sheet and affix thumb impression for verification of his / her identity.
- All the activities of the candidates with the mouse will be recorded in the server and a log file will be created for future reference.
- The Examination Hall will be under camera surveillance.
- Failure to comply with the instructions or disorderly or improper conduct in the exam hall will entail expulsion from the examination venue or for any action as the TNPSC may deem fit.
- To acquaint with the operation of Mouse and the CBT, the candidates can take up the mock test available in the Commission’s website (www.tnpsc.gov.in) and they can practice the usage of mouse in the mock test. Mock test is similar to the CBT to be held on the day of examination. In the Mock test, all the steps are given similar to the CBT.
- Candidate can practice the mock test as many times as he/she likes.
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