Candidates who are preparing by self study without going any TNPSC coaching center can utilize this site. Topics going to be covered are:
1.General Knowledge questions method.
2. Current affairs for every month from 2010.
3. Question paper analysis for last two year question paper.
4. Syllabus for General knowledge.
And all needed for tnpsc group 2 preparations (soon).
If you prepare in planned approach, then you can find the simple way to get good score in tnpsc group 2 exam.. And also it needs good effort to win in exam. You can easily pass in exam. Before all this, you too have one thing in mind, i.e you are going compete with nearly 2 lakhs candidates in group 2 exams.
I will give a simple guideline to prepare for TNPSC Examinations
TNPSC Exam is conducted in two phases:
1. Written test (descriptive type).
2. Interview
TNPSC Question:
Total question : 200
Total Marks : 300
and Interview process takes place for selecting candidates for Job. Interview is conducted by TamilNadu Public Service Commission.
Marks Needs to be selected:
For all category students , if you get 160 questions right then you will have more possible chance to get selected for interview.
Idea for TNPSC Exam:
Group 2 exam question paper will consist of 200 question in total. 100 questions from Tamil language or English language, and 100 questions based on general knowledge. First all, you must take enough time to prepare for language paper (Tamil or English). you must be able to get at least 90 questions right in language paper exam. It makes you easy to get good score in Group 2 exam.
So now you have to just get 70 questions right from the general knowledge part. It will be possible if you prepare hard every day for exam from the time of Notification to group 2 exams. Hard preparation does not mean Hard. In real, It is simple. 4 hours preparation for tnpsc exam is more than enough.
TNPSC General Knowledge Questions:
In general knowledge questions , questions are asked from various part .Those parts are General Science, current events of national and international importance, history and culture of India, geography, Indian Polity, Indian economy, Indian National Movement and Freedom struggle, Mental ability tests and other related fields(Maths, Quantitative Apps,Statics),And Basic questions on tamilnadu is also asked. Above is Over all syllabus for General knowledge questions. Detailed syllabus will be given soon.
Following words is said in tnpsc website.20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamil nadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people. So you have to concentrate on tamilnadu culture, literature and history too. Questions asked in various parts in general knowledge is vary from question paper to question paper in group 2 exam. I will say you how the question was asked in last year question paper and how many question was asked in last year question paper. Question paper analysis-ed report will be published in Next article. Have look in this website to know more information about tnpsc exam. Current affairs questions and question paper analysis will be posted soon. All the best for preparation.
TNPSC General Knowledge PG Level Syllabus
(For all examination except for group I services - main Examination)
The paper on general knowledge will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge: General science, current events of national and international importance , history and culture of India, geography, Indian polity, Indian economy, Indian national movement and freedom struggle, mental ability tests and other related fields.
Questions on general science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In history emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India emphasizing unity in diversity . In geography emphasis will be on geography of India including the physical, social, economic geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. Questions on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the country’s political, executive, judicial system, panchayat raj, rural and community development, and economic planning in India. Questions on Indian national movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. General mental ability test will include analysis of classified data, logical and behavioral reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability and basic concepts of computers. Current events will include latest developments on all the fields detailed above including science and technology.
NOTE: About 20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamilnadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people.
TNPSC General Knowledge Degree Level Syllabus
(For all examination except for group I services - main Examination)
The paper on general knowledge will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge: General science, current events of national and international importance , history and culture of India, geography, Indian polity, Indian economy, Indian national movement and freedom struggle, mental ability tests and other related fields.
Questions on general science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In history emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India emphasizing unity in diversity . In geography emphasis will be on geography of India including the physical, social, economic geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. Questions on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the country’s political, executive, judicial system, panchayat raj, rural and community development, and economic planning in India. Questions on Indian national movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. General mental ability test will include analysis of classified data, logical and behavioral reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability and basic concepts of computers. Current events will include latest developments on all the fields detailed above including science and technology.
NOTE: About 20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamilnadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people.
GENERAL STUDIES (Descriptive type) ( for group I services main examination-TWO PAPERS) SYLLABUS.
1. Modern history of India and Indian culture 2. Current events of national and international importance 3. Statistical analysis , graphs and diagrams 4. Social problems and other current sensitive issues
1. Indian polity 2. Indian economy and geography of India 3. Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India 4. Tamil language, Tamil society, its culture and heritage 5. Tamil Nadu administration
Modern history of India and Indian culture will cover the broad history of the country from about the middle of the nineteenth century (advent of European invasion) and would include questions on Gandhi, Tagore, Nehru and Periyar. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams will include exercises to test the candidates ability to draw commonsense conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical and diagrammatical form and to point out deficiencies, limitations and inconsistencies therein. Social problems and sensitive issues will include problems like bonded labour, child labour, gender bias, minorities, SC/ST, illiteracy, poverty, employment etc.
Indian polity will include questions on constitution of India, and Political System in India. On Indian economy and geography, questions will be put on planning in India and the physical, economic, social geography of India. On role and impact of science and technology, questions will be asked to test the candidate’s awareness of the latest developments in science and technology with special emphasis on applied aspects. Under Tamil language and culture questions will be put to test the candidate’s general awareness on those topics. Tamil Nadu administration will cover topics in general administration like organizational structure, functions, control, social welfare oriented programmes etc.
TNPSC General Knowledge Degree Level Syllabus
Syllabus for Preliminary Examination (Objective type)
The paper on general knowledge will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge. General Science, current events of national and international importance, history and culture of India, geography, Indian Polity, Indian economy, Indian National Movement and Freedom struggle, Mental ability tests and other related fields.Questions on general science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In history emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India emphasizing unity in diversity. Questions on Tamil, Tamil Nadu, Language and Literature, Culture and heritage of its people. In geography emphasis will be on geography of India including the physical, social, economic, geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. Questions on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the country’s political, executive, Judicial System, Panchayat raj, Rural and Community Development and Economic Planning in India. Questions on Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the Nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. General mental ability test will include analysis of classified data, logical and behavioural reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability and basic concepts of computers. Current events will include latest developments on all the fields detailed above including science and technology
TNPSC General Knowledge Diploma Level Syllabus
Code: 001
1 General Science Will Cover General appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of everyday observations and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made any special study of any scientific discipline. The questions shall be from topics- in Physics, Chemistry and Biology viz.,. Scientific Laws, Scientific instruments, Inventions and Discoveries. Scientists and their contributions. Human Physiology, Diseases, their cause, cure and prevention, Diet-Balanced diet, human Genetics, Animals, Mammals and Birds, Environment and Ecology. Elements and Compounds. Acids, Bases and Salts and allied Subjects, Motion, Newtons Laws of Motion - Properties of Matter, Electricity, National Laboratories and other related topics.
2 HISTORY OF INDIA: Dates and events relating to indus Valley Civilisation, Vedic, Aryan and Sangam Age, Maurya Dynasty, Buddhism and Jainism, Guptas and Vardhanas, Pallavas, Cholas and Pandias, Sultanate and Mughal Period. Advent of European powers specially the British and other related topics.
3 GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA: Earth, Motions of Earth, Rotation and Revolution and their effects, Structure of Earth, Natural regions of India, Weather, Monsoon and Climate. Rainfall, Natural Calamities, Indian Towns and Places, Hill Stations, National parks, Major Ports, Crops and Minerals, Location of Major Industries, Forests and Wildlife, Population distribution in India and other related topics.
4 ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE: Agriculture, Major crops and crop pattern in India, Industrial Development, Major medium, small scale and cottage Industries of Tamil Nadu. Village and Rural Development in India. Housing, Drinking water and other developmental schemes - price policy, Inflation, population and unemployment problems, imports and exports.
5 INDIAN POLITY: Indian Consitution, Salient features, citizenship, elections, Parliament and State Legistature, Executive set up of States, Judiciary system, Local self Governments, Centre - State Relations, Language Policy, Foreign policy.
6 INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT: National freedom movement and attainment of independence - contribution of National Leaders like Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak, Gopalakrishna Gokhale, Dada Bhai Nauvroji Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and others - Role of Tamil Nadu in Freedom Movement, Bharathiyar, V.O.C, Subramaniya Siva, Rajaji and others.
7 CURRENT EVENTS: Latest development in Science and technology, political developments in India, New developments in Trade, Transport and communicaton, historical events. Fine arts like dance, drama, films, painting, major literary works Games and Sports, National, International awards, National and International organisations, Abbreviations, who is who, Books and Authors, General Terminology, India and its Neighbours, present day India and other related topics.
8 MENTAL ABILITY TESTS: These tests are ment to verify the candidate's capability to draw conclusions through, inductive or deductive reasoning from tables and charts. It will include elementary problems from school mathematics.
Note: Some of the questions asked in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil Nadu.
Code: 001
1 General Science Will Cover General appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of everyday observations and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made any special study of any scientific discipline. The questions shall be from topics- in Physics, Chemistry and Biology viz.,. Scientific Laws, Scientific instruments, Inventions and Discoveries. Scientists and their contributions. Human Physiology, Diseases, their cause, cure and prevention, Diet-Balanced diet, human Genetics, Animals, Mammals and Birds, Environment and Ecology. Elements and Compounds. Acids, Bases and Salts and allied Subjects, Motion, Newtons Laws of Motion - Properties of Matter, Electricity, National Laboratories and other related topics.
2 HISTORY OF INDIA: Dates and events relating to indus Valley Civilisation, Vedic, Aryan and Sangam Age, Maurya Dynasty, Buddhism and Jainism, Guptas and Vardhanas, Pallavas, Cholas and Pandias, Sultanate and Mughal Period. Advent of European powers specially the British and other related topics.
3 GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA: Earth, Motions of Earth, Rotation and Revolution and their effects, Structure of Earth, Natural regions of India, Weather, Monsoon and Climate. Rainfall, Natural Calamities, Indian Towns and Places, Hill Stations, National parks, Major Ports, Crops and Minerals, Location of Major Industries, Forests and Wildlife, Population distribution in India and other related topics.
4 ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE: Agriculture, Major crops and crop pattern in India, Industrial Development, Major medium, small scale and cottage Industries of Tamil Nadu. Village and Rural Development in India. Housing, Drinking water and other developmental schemes - price policy, Inflation, population and unemployment problems, imports and exports.
5 INDIAN POLITY: Indian Consitution, Salient features, citizenship, elections, Parliament and State Legistature, Executive set up of States, Judiciary system, Local self Governments, Centre - State Relations, Language Policy, Foreign policy.
6 INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT: National freedom movement and attainment of independence - contribution of National Leaders like Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak, Gopalakrishna Gokhale, Dada Bhai Nauvroji Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and others - Role of Tamil Nadu in Freedom Movement, Bharathiyar, V.O.C, Subramaniya Siva, Rajaji and others.
7 CURRENT EVENTS: Latest development in Science and technology, political developments in India, New developments in Trade, Transport and communicaton, historical events. Fine arts like dance, drama, films, painting, major literary works Games and Sports, National, International awards, National and International organisations, Abbreviations, who is who, Books and Authors, General Terminology, India and its Neighbours, present day India and other related topics.
8 MENTAL ABILITY TESTS: These tests are ment to verify the candidate's capability to draw conclusions through, inductive or deductive reasoning from tables and charts. It will include elementary problems from school mathematics.
Note: Some of the questions asked in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil Nadu.
TNPSC General Knowledge HSC Level Syllabus (12th or plus 2)
Code: 001
1. GENERAL SCIENCE Will Cover General appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of everyday observations and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made any special study of any scientific discipline. The questions shall be from topics- in Physics, Chemistry and Biology viz.,. Scientific Laws, Scientific instruments, Inventions and Discoveries. Scientists and their contributions. Human Physiology, Diseases, their cause, cure and prevention, Diet-Balanced diet, human Genetics, Animals, Mammals and Birds, Environment and Ecology. Elements and Compounds. Acids, Bases and Salts and allied Subjects, Motion, Newtons Laws of Motion - Properties of Matter, Electricity, National Laboratories and other related topics.
2. HISTORY OF INDIA: Dates and events relating to indus Valley Civilisation, Vedic, Aryan and Sangam Age, Maurya Dynasty, Buddhism and Jainism, Guptas and Vardhanas, Pallavas, Cholas and Pandias, Sultanate and Mughal Period. Advent of European powers specially the British and other related topics.
3. GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA: Earth, Motions of Earth, Rotation and Revolution and their effects, Structure of Earth, Natural regions of India, Weather, Monsoon and Climate. Rainfall, Natural Calamities, Indian Towns and Places, Hill Stations, National parks, Major Ports, Crops and Minerals, Location of Major Industries, Forests and Wildlife, Population distribution in India and other related topics.
4. ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE: Agriculture, Major crops and crop pattern in India, Industrial Development, Major medium, small scale and cottage Industries of Tamil Nadu. Village and Rural Development in India. Housing, Drinking water and other developmental schemes - price policy, Inflation, population and unemployment problems, imports and exports.
5. INDIAN POLITY: Indian Consitution, Salient features, citizenship, elections, Parliament and State Legistature, Executive set up of States, Judiciary system, Local self Governments, Centre - State Relations, Language Policy, Foreign policy.
6. INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT: National freedom movement and attainment of independence - contribution of National Leaders like Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak, Gopalakrishna Gokhale, Dada Bhai Nauvroji Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and others - Role of Tamil Nadu in Freedom Movement, Bharathiyar, V.O.C, Subramaniya Siva, Rajaji and others.
7. CURRENT EVENTS: Latest development in Science and technology, political developments in India, New developments in Trade, Transport and communicaton, historical events. Fine arts like dance, drama, films, painting, major literary works Games and Sports, National, International awards, National and International organisations, Abbreviations, who is who, Books and Authors, General Terminology, India and its Neighbours, present day India and other related topics.
8. MENTAL ABILITY TESTS: These tests are ment to verify the candidate's capability to draw conclusions through, inductive or deductive reasoning from tables and charts. It will include elementary problems from school mathematics.
Note: Some of the questions asked in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil Nadu.
TNPSC General Knowledge SSLC Level Syllabus
Code: 001
1. GENERAL SCIENCE Will Cover General appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of everyday observations and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made any special study of any scientific discipline. The questions shall be from topics- in Physics, Chemistry and Biology viz.,. Scientific Laws, Scientific instruments, Inventions and Discoveries. Scientists and their contributions. Human Physiology, Diseases, their cause, cure and prevention, Diet-Balanced diet, human Genetics, Animals, Mammals and Birds, Environment and Ecology. Elements and Compounds. Acids, Bases and Salts and allied Subjects, Motion, Newtons Laws of Motion - Properties of Matter, Electricity, National Laboratories and other related topics.
2. HISTORY OF INDIA: Dates and events relating to indus Valley Civilisation, Vedic, Aryan and Sangam Age, Maurya Dynasty, Buddhism and Jainism, Guptas and Vardhanas, Pallavas, Cholas and Pandias, Sultanate and Mughal Period. Advent of European powers specially the British and other related topics.
3. GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA: Earth, Motions of Earth, Rotation and Revolution and their effects, Structure of Earth, Natural regions of India, Weather, Monsoon and Climate. Rainfall, Natural Calamities, Indian Towns and Places, Hill Stations, National parks, Major Ports, Crops and Minerals, Location of Major Industries, Forests and Wildlife, Population distribution in India and other related topics.
4. ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE: Agriculture, Major crops and crop pattern in India, Industrial Development, Major medium, small scale and cottage Industries of Tamil Nadu. Village and Rural Development in India. Housing, Drinking water and other developmental schemes - price policy, Inflation, population and unemployment problems, imports and exports.
5. INDIAN POLITY: Indian Consitution, Salient features, citizenship, elections, Parliament and State Legistature, Executive set up of States, Judiciary system, Local self Governments, Centre - State Relations, Language Policy, Foreign policy.
6. INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT: National freedom movement and attainment of independence - contribution of National Leaders like Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak, Gopalakrishna Gokhale, Dada Bhai Nauvroji Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and others - Role of Tamil Nadu in Freedom Movement, Bharathiyar, V.O.C, Subramaniya Siva, Rajaji and others.
7. CURRENT EVENTS: Latest development in Science and technology, political developments in India, New developments in Trade, Transport and communicaton, historical events. Fine arts like dance, drama, films, painting, major literary works Games and Sports, National, International awards, National and International organisations, Abbreviations, who is who, Books and Authors, General Terminology, India and its Neighbours, present day India and other related topics.
8. MENTAL ABILITY TESTS: These tests are ment to verify the candidate's capability to draw conclusions through, inductive or deductive reasoning from tables and charts. It will include
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