Hello Readers,
For all those temporary Assistant Surgeons who want to become regular Assistant Surgeons, you have to apply for the Specially Qualifying Examination for the same.
Given below are the step by step procedure for teh same.
1. Name of the candidate:-
2. Date of birth:-
3. Qualification as on the date of temporary appointment:-
4. Post to which appointed and Date(s) of temporary appointment:-
5. G.O. No. & date with reference to which the candidate was appointed temporarily:-
6. Whether the candidate was in service as on 12.12.2012 [(i.e.) the date of issue of the G.O. (D). No. 1292, H&FW Department, dated 12.12.2012 and whether he/ she is still continuing in service
7. Whether the candidate’s work and conduct is satisfactory during his/her temporary appointment:-
8. Whether the candidate was awarded any punishment and whether any Charge is pending or contemplated against the candidate:-
9. Whether the candidate has registered in Tamil Nadu Medical Council, if so Medical Registration Number and Date:-
10. Remarks if any:-
11. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine will collect and forward all such applications to
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission on or before 19.08.2013.
For all those temporary Assistant Surgeons who want to become regular Assistant Surgeons, you have to apply for the Specially Qualifying Examination for the same.
Given below are the step by step procedure for teh same.
- Candidates should apply only through online in the Commission’s Website www.tnpsc.gov.in or in www.tnpscexams.net
- Before applying, the candidates should have scanned image of their photograph in the specified size and signature in CD/DVD/Pen drive as per their convenience.
- A valid e-mail ID or Mobile Number is mandatory for registration and e-mail ID should be kept active till the declaration of results. You are cautioned to keep your e-mail ID and pass word confidentially. TNPSC will send Hall Tickets (Memorandum of Admission) for Main Examination in Computer Based Test method, Interview Call Letters, Other Memos etc. to the registered / given e-mail ID only.
- Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Post Applied, Communal Category, Date of birth, Address, E-mail ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for applying online.
- Since certain fields are firm and fixed and cannot be edited, candidates are requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care and caution as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
- The candidates who wish to receive SMS should register their mobile number in the application.
Applying Online
- Candidates are first required to log on to the TNPSC’s website www.tnpsc.gov.in or www.tnpscexams.net
- Click “Apply Online” to open up the On-Line Application Form.
- Select the name of the post or service for which you wish to apply.
- If you already have Unique ID, please enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them, if necessary.
- If you do not have valid ID, please enter all the required particulars without skipping any field.
- Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature.
- An online application uploaded without the photograph and signature will be rejected.
- Candidates should submit filled in online application form directly to the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.The Head of Office / Department shall forward the print out of applications with the following details to the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
- They shall also submit a print out copy of online applications through proper channel as given below
1. Name of the candidate:-
2. Date of birth:-
3. Qualification as on the date of temporary appointment:-
4. Post to which appointed and Date(s) of temporary appointment:-
5. G.O. No. & date with reference to which the candidate was appointed temporarily:-
6. Whether the candidate was in service as on 12.12.2012 [(i.e.) the date of issue of the G.O. (D). No. 1292, H&FW Department, dated 12.12.2012 and whether he/ she is still continuing in service
7. Whether the candidate’s work and conduct is satisfactory during his/her temporary appointment:-
8. Whether the candidate was awarded any punishment and whether any Charge is pending or contemplated against the candidate:-
9. Whether the candidate has registered in Tamil Nadu Medical Council, if so Medical Registration Number and Date:-
10. Remarks if any:-
11. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine will collect and forward all such applications to
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission on or before 19.08.2013.
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