The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission will be
announcing Labour Officer Recruitment Notification 2016 in Government Law Colleges
and Tamil Nadu Archive. This year Tamilnadu Government has issued orders to
fill up 20% of all vacancies in direct recruitment on preferential basis to
persons who have studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil Medium.
Some duties and responsibilities of Labour officer are as
1) To Act as a negotiating officer.
2) To shape and formulate labour policies.
3) To deal with wages and employment.
4) To prevent employees from involving in anti social activities.
5) To promote healthy relationship between the management and the labourers.
6) To help management in regulating employee leaves.
7) To secure welfare provisions.
8) To advice management in critical matters.
TNPSC Labour officer recruitment 2016 important
date of Notification:
1st week of June 2016
date of examination:
September 11th 2016 (Sunday)
Result Date:
3rd week of November 2016
date of certificate verification:
3rd week of December 2016
date of Oral test:
4th week of December 2016
Age Limit:
Candidates’ age should be above 18 years. Upper age limit
would be 30 years for General candidates. Cut off date for determining age
limit would be 01-07-2016.
Education Qualification:
(a) A
Degree of M.L.M awarded by the Tamil Nadu Institute of Labour Studies, Chennai
(b) (i) Any
A Degree or Diploma in Social Work or Social Science or Labour Relations or
Social Welfare or a Diploma in Labour Laws awarded by the Indian Law Institute,
New Delhi or a Diploma in Labour Laws and Administrative Laws or a Degree in
Law or Post Graduate Diploma in Labour Administration awarded by the Tamil Nadu
Institute of Labour Studies or a Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management,
Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare awarded by the Madras Productivity
Council or Post Graduate Diploma In Personnel Management and Industrial
Relations awarded by the Madurai Institute of Social Work, Madurai or M.A.
Degree in Work Education awarded by the University of Madras.
Selection Process:
Selection will be made in two successive stages i.e.
Written Examination and
Oral Test
Hall Ticket Download:
The Hall Tickets
for eligible candidates will be made available in the Commission’s Website:
for downloading by candidates. No Hall Tickets will be
sent by post.
For self exam preparation tips for TNPSC exams please
visit our previous post at: