As spoken about the regular syllabus revisions of TNPSC, there are revisions and updates of syllabus all through the examinations and posts in TNPSC. We are gradually providing the candidate with revised syllabus of each examination post one by one. Hoping that this will be the last time yet for the syllabus revision for the candidates, we are giving you the update of the revised syllabus for the Combined Civil Service-III Examination for Group III services:
This will give you the syllabus for Combined Civil Service-III examination for posts included in Group III Services Post coverage inclusive of Group III A Services (Higher Secondary Standard) Syllabus coverage.
This syllabus covers the usual pattern of-
• General English (Grammar, Literature, Authors and their works)
• General Tamil (Ilaakanam, Ilakkiyam, Tamil Arignargalum-Tamil Thondum)
• General Studies (General Science, Current Events, Geography, History, Indian polity,Indian Economy, Indian National Movement, Mental and Aptitude Tests)
• General English (Grammar, Literature, Authors and their works)
• General Tamil (Ilaakanam, Ilakkiyam, Tamil Arignargalum-Tamil Thondum)
• General Studies (General Science, Current Events, Geography, History, Indian polity,Indian Economy, Indian National Movement, Mental and Aptitude Tests)
The above link gives you the detailed portions to be covered under each section mentioned for the syllabus.
Note that not all the papers in the Combined Civil Service-III , Group III Examination have been mentioned for the change in syllabus. This means that the rest of the papers follow the same pattern as before. Be careful as to not omit them while you follow this new pattern.
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