TNPSC Village Administrative Officer (VAO) Exam 2014.
Administrative Officer (VAO) 2014.
people do know that Madras Service Commission in the early 1970’s
is what now being called as Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission at
the present. The name of the state in India was changed to Chennai in
the year 1970. From then on service commission came to be known
as Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, shortly TNPSC. Madras
commission initially began with three members, it was in 1957, the
commissions such as the above were constituted.
Study Materials
provided various study materials for the eligible candidates for
Village Administrative Officer (VAO 2014). But before studying for
those materials, the candidates must study their school text books.
The particular study material aforementioned will be available in
many TNPSC coaching centers. Objective questions are found in the
TNPSC group 1 and CSSE group examinations. Hence it is necessary to
avoid other big question types, and study the school materials