TNPSC VAO (Village Administrative Officer) Exam Books are as mentioned as follows.
1. Indian Politics
2. General Science
- Zoology
- Botany
- Physics
- Chemistry
3. General Knowledge
4. Geography
5. Indian National Movement
6. Tamilnadu History & Culture
7. Indian Economy
8. Village Administrative Procedures
9. Mental Ability Test
General Tamil
VAO Previous Year Solved Papers
Current Events
- Political Science
- History
- Geography
- Economics
- Latest invention in Science and technology
Free download online study materials from various
relevant websites to prepare for your TNPSC examination.
Refer TNPSC VAO exam books free download In Tamil language/English
1. Quantitative Aptitude
1. Objective
Arithmetics By Author R.S. Agarwal
2. Quantitative
Aptitude By Author R.S. Agarwal
3. A Modern
Approach to Verbal Reasoning By Author R.S. Agarwal
2. Indian Economy
- Book
from Author Ramesh Singh
- Indian
Economy By Author Pratiyogita Darpan
3. Guide Books for General Studies
4. Objective General English by Author
R.S. Agarwal
5. Tamilndu Language and Culture
6. Science & Tech By Spectrum
7. India Year Book by Government of
8. Indian Polity By Author Lakshmi
9. History
- India
Freedom Struggle Written By Author K.Venkadesan.
- Tamilnadu
History Written By Prof.J.Dharmarajan
10. Current Affairs
- Thittam
or Yojana
- The
Hindu By Author Dinamani
- Civil
Service Chronicle or Competitive Success Review
11. Geography
- Indian
Geography From Spectrum Publications
- Oxford
School Atlas
12. School
text books
1. Polity –
11th,12th Political Science
2. Social
Science Books – 6th to 10th Std
3. Science
Books – 6th to 10th Std (Additional 11th,12th Botany and Zoology if you have
4. Polity –
11th,12th Political Science
5. Indian
Culture – 12th Indian Culture Books
6. Geography
-11th,12th Geography Books
7. Economy –
11th,12th Economics Books
As per latest TNPSC VAO examination pattern or syllabus
students should refer relevant study materials. Free download PDF file of TNPSC
VAO exam syllabus. To get good marks in TNPSC VAO exam you will have to study
with TNPSC VAO exam related materials.
Administration basics are as follows.
- Basic
fundamental principles information is associated with cataloging of lands.
- Analysis
of accounts related to Panchayat revenue.
- Duty
of VAO during tragedies.
- Basic
information related to tasks of lands or house sites in Towns and Villages.
- Allowance
of lands for dairy farms and cows.
- Conduct
of enquiries procedure related to marital status, age, domicile, income.
- Through
revenue collections made under numerous heads by VAO.
- Specific
responsibilities during all village functions.
Aptitude and Mental
Ability Tests
- Puzzles
- Logical
- Simple
- Conversion
of information to data
- Collection
- Simplification
- Compilation
and presentation of data – Tables, graphs, diagrams
- Analytical
interpretation of data
- Ratio
and Proportion
- Compound
interest Area
- Percentage
- Highest
Common Factor (HCF)
- Lowest
Common Multiple (LCM)
- Time
and Work
- Volume
- Dice
- Number
- Visual
- Alpha
numeric Reasoning
General English
- Authors
and their Literary Works
- Grammar
- Literature