Tamilnadu Public Service
Commission has released official notification No.3/2016 dated 19.2.2016 for
direct recruitment of vacancies corresponding to Tester and Assistant Tester
posts in Tamilnadu Industries Subordinate Service. This examination is conducted
to fill 6 open vacancies in this department. Now let us see the
Education qualification required to apply for these posts:
Educational Qualification (as on 01 November
A Degree in Electrical Engineering OR Electronics
Engineering with experience of one year in the field of Electrical Testing in a
recognized concern.
A Diploma in Electrical Engineering OR Electronics Engineering with experience of three years in the field of Electrical Testing in a recognized concern or its equivalent qualification awarded by any University or Institution recognized by the UGC or Board.
20% reservation of vacancies on preferential allotment to Persons Studied in
Tamil Medium (PSTM) will apply for this recruitment.
For self exam preparation tips for TNPSC exams please
visit our previous post at:
For more details visit official TNPSC website at:
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