How can I get the syllabi?
The Syllabi for all subjects have been published in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Bulletin No.11 dated 16.05.2001 and subsequent Bulletins issued then and there, and the same is available for sale at the Sales Counter for Government Publications in the office of the Stationery and Printing, Chennai – 600 002.. The same is also available in the Commission‟s web-site
Which date is considered as the date of publication of final result?Date of publication of the final semester results will be treated as the date of publication of results of the prescribed
The Syllabi for all subjects have been published in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Bulletin No.11 dated 16.05.2001 and subsequent Bulletins issued then and there, and the same is available for sale at the Sales Counter for Government Publications in the office of the Stationery and Printing, Chennai – 600 002.. The same is also available in the Commission‟s web-site
Which date is considered as the date of publication of final result?Date of publication of the final semester results will be treated as the date of publication of results of the prescribed
I need a tnpc syllabus of bulletin no 11 dated on 16.05.01