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Notification for the interview to attend Oral Test for TNPSC Post of Inspector of Fisheries and Research Assistant

The written test for the TNPSC Post of Inspector of Fisheries and Research Assistant in the Tamil Nadu Fisheries Subordinate Service was conducted on 22nd of September 2012. This will be followed by the oral examination that is scheduled to be conducted on 3rd of April 2013 by the TNPSC commission.

The candidates who have passed the written examination are eligible to take up the oral tests next on the date mentioned above.

As such the results for the written test were announced on 18th of March 2013.
Individual intimation regarding the date and time of the Oral Test will be sent to the candidates separately by
the TNPSC Board. And with the link below the candidates can access their individual memo or notification with the specific information regarding their oral test interview. The candidates can enter their registration number in the slot provided in the below link directing website and they will be directed to their personal memo of notification.



Date of Notification


Date of Oral Examination


Address of Oral Examination Center

Office of the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission (New Building),
Frazer Bridge Road,
 V.O.C.Nagar, Chennai- 600 003
(Near Govt.Dental College & Chennai Fort Railway Station)

The admission of candidates to oral Test is provisional subject to verification and acceptance of their claim in their online applications towards age, educational qualification, religion, community etc., through original documents. If any of their claims are found to be false or incorrect, they will not be admitted to the oral Test by the Board.

For further details contact at:

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