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Self Tnpsc Exam Preparation

Candidates who are preparing by self study without going any TNPSC coaching center can utilize this site. Topics going to be covered are:

1.General Knowledge questions method.
2. Current affairs for every month from 2010.
3. Question paper analysis for last two year question paper.
4. Syllabus for General knowledge.
And all needed for tnpsc group 2 preparations (soon).

If you prepare in planned approach, then you can find the simple way to get good score in tnpsc group 2 exam.. And also it needs good effort to win in exam. You can easily pass in exam. Before all this, you too have one thing in mind, i.e you are going compete with nearly 2 lakhs candidates in group 2 exams.

I will give a simple guideline to prepare for TNPSC Examinations

TNPSC Exam is conducted in two phases:

1. Written test (descriptive type).
2. Interview

TNPSC Question:

Total question : 200
Total Marks : 300
and Interview process takes place for selecting candidates for Job. Interview is conducted by TamilNadu Public Service Commission.

Marks Needs to be selected:

For all category students , if you get 160 questions right then you will have more possible chance to get selected for interview.

Idea for TNPSC Exam:

Group 2 exam question paper will consist of 200 question in total. 100 questions from Tamil language or English language, and 100 questions based on general knowledge. First all, you must take enough time to prepare for language paper (Tamil or English). you must be able to get at least 90 questions right in language paper exam. It makes you easy to get good score in Group 2 exam.

So now you have to just get 70 questions right from the general knowledge part. It will be possible if you prepare hard every day for exam from the time of Notification to group 2 exams. Hard preparation does not mean Hard. In real, It is simple. 4 hours preparation for tnpsc exam is more than enough.

TNPSC General Knowledge Questions:

In general knowledge questions , questions are asked from various part .Those parts are General Science, current events of national and international importance, history and culture of India, geography, Indian Polity, Indian economy, Indian National Movement and Freedom struggle, Mental ability tests and other related fields(Maths, Quantitative Apps,Statics),And Basic questions on tamilnadu is also asked. Above is Over all syllabus for General knowledge questions. Detailed syllabus will be given soon.

Following words is said in tnpsc website.20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamil nadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people. So you have to concentrate on tamilnadu culture, literature and history too. Questions asked in various parts in general knowledge is vary from question paper to question paper in group 2 exam. I will say you how the question was asked in last year question paper and how many question was asked in last year question paper. Question paper analysis-ed report will be published in Next article. Have look in this website to know more information about tnpsc exam. Current affairs questions and question paper analysis will be posted soon. All the best for preparation.


  1. Very Nice Tips! Thank You So much...


    1. Self Tnpsc Exam Preparation
      Candidates who are preparing by self study without going any TNPSC coaching center can utilize this site. Topics going to be covered are:

      1.General Knowledge questions method.
      2. Current affairs for every month from 2010.
      3. Question paper analysis for last two year question paper.
      4. Syllabus for General knowledge.
      And all needed for tnpsc group 2 preparations (soon).

      If you prepare in planned approach, then you can find the simple way to get good score in tnpsc group 2 exam.. And also it needs good effort to win in exam. You can easily pass in exam. Before all this, you too have one thing in mind, i.e you are going compete with nearly 2 lakhs candidates in group 2 exams.

      I will give a simple guideline to prepare for TNPSC Examinations

      TNPSC Exam is conducted in two phases:

      1. Written test (descriptive type).
      2. Interview

      TNPSC Question:

      Total question : 200
      Total Marks : 300
      and Interview process takes place for selecting candidates for Job. Interview is conducted by TamilNadu Public Service Commission.

      Marks Needs to be selected:

      For all category students , if you get 160 questions right then you will have more possible chance to get selected for interview.

      Idea for TNPSC Exam:

      Group 2 exam question paper will consist of 200 question in total. 100 questions from Tamil language or English language, and 100 questions based on general knowledge. First all, you must take enough time to prepare for language paper (Tamil or English). you must be able to get at least 90 questions right in language paper exam. It makes you easy to get good score in Group 2 exam.

      So now you have to just get 70 questions right from the general knowledge part. It will be possible if you prepare hard every day for exam from the time of Notification to group 2 exams. Hard preparation does not mean Hard. In real, It is simple. 4 hours preparation for tnpsc exam is more than enough.

      TNPSC General Knowledge Questions:

      In general knowledge questions , questions are asked from various part .Those parts are General Science, current events of national and international importance, history and culture of India, geography, Indian Polity, Indian economy, Indian National Movement and Freedom struggle, Mental ability tests and other related fields(Maths, Quantitative Apps,Statics),And Basic questions on tamilnadu is also asked. Above is Over all syllabus for General knowledge questions. Detailed syllabus will be given soon.

      Following words is said in tnpsc website.20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamil nadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people. So you have to concentrate on tamilnadu culture, literature and history too. Questions asked in various parts in general knowledge is vary from question paper to question paper in group 2 exam. I will say you how the question was asked in last year question paper and how many question was asked in last year question paper. Question paper analysis-ed report will be published in Next article. Have look in this website to know more information about tnpsc exam. Current affairs questions and question paper analysis will be posted soon. All the best for preparation.

    2. English grammar is thr for exam?? pl reply

  2. Replies
    1. canu tell some tips to prepare for group1 and group2. since iam writing first time pls share ur experience ramya mail id is

  3. Replies
    1. no u cant get the job u have to get more then 250

    2. yes its possible. your selected

    3. good morning friends , please tell how to prepare tnpsc group 1,2,3,4. exams what are the materials.books are available in the market and where do i get those items, kindly please sent the information to this mail id.


      i am eagerly waiting for your message.

    4. For TNPSC Group 1 exam, You have to read
      1. Indian Polity by LakshmiKanth
      2. Indian economy by Ramesh Singh
      3. Indian History (11th & 12th NCERT Books i.e Ancient, Medievel and Modern India
      4. Indian and world geography (11th and 12th NCERT books)
      5. Hindu daily paper
      6. Any one standard monthly magazine which is specialized for civil services
      7. little knowledge in aptitude.

    5. you have chance to get job the above reply was a stupid one dont consider that

  4. i think many people get more than 80% marks, since most of them are degree holder. All the best madam

  5. g.kumar tiruvannamalaiSeptember 22, 2012 at 5:11 PM

    all r teling if u get gud in language paper u wil win the exam

  6. its really fine. hard work leads to success.

  7. i complete my degree 2012 !! am i eligible fr the group2 2012!! please reply

  8. A degree is enough to attend group 2 exams and a pg is required for group 1

    1. Not necessary!
      All you need is a minimum qualification of a degree!
      But in case two or more people get the same mark then they'll give first preference to the one who holds a P.G or anything higher than that!

    2. mr.praveen pls go through clearly about group 1,ug is enough for all gr1 and upsc...

  9. Its very nice.You are telling the Strategy to win.We also need the past history.That is, the previous year qtn paper for GROUP-II exams.

  10. whether BE degree is applicable for apllying group 1 exams?

  11. i completed BDS.. am i eligible to write group one??

    1. sure hepzibah .iam joshua mtech finished my mtech.

  12. thanks for our tips

  13. hi admin i applied the Group 1 exam for online i got the Appliction ID and password. but i never get the username and password

  14. THANK YOU. . . It is useful for me

  15. Tips are very useful. Thankyou

  16. I am working as a Software engineer. My office timing 9-6. How many hours I want to spend for study in daily?

    1. mostly it depends your capacity. an average of 3 hours per day is good

    2. Try to dedicate 3 hours for preparation and half an hour for revision...Trust in God...everything will be fine.

  17. Hello i am new to this forum,Iwish to attend group-4 exam ,i don't know the syllabus(Latest),if any body knows or have the pattern please mail me to my mail ID:,if any body have model question paper or book material link please attach,thanks a lot

  18. Thank You for the Informations.. Thank you So much

  19. hi,will tnpsc publish individual marks of the candidate even if they are not selected

    1. Yes! it will!
      But after the complete process of the Exam is over!
      Sometimes even before!!

    2. process in the sense does that mean after selection...

  20. it's very nice..i clearly understand about tnpsc ..thank u

  21. Hi, I heard that the exam pattern for the Group-I exams have changed recently, can any one explain me what they have modified.have they added or removed amy of the parts from the syllabus??

    1. 1) Scheme of the Preliminary Examination, Main Written Examination and Oral Test:-
      A. Preliminary Examination
      (Degree Standard - Objective Type)
      (200 Questions –
      General Knowledge 150 items
      Aptitude 50 items)
      3 Hours- 300 marks
      B. Main Written Examination and Oral Test
      General Studies Paper – I
      General Studies Paper – II
      General Studies Paper – III
      (All Papers – Degree
      Standard – Descriptive
      Type) and each paper 300 marks and 3 hrs duration! total marks for written exams is 900.
      Interview and Record - 120 marks(previously it was 80 marks)
      So overall marks is 1020!!!

    2. what will be the safe score go get select in group 1

  22. very useful tips.and try to publish NCERT book in tamil language.

    1. It will be published only if its been printed in tamil...I dont think its there in tamil.

  23. i wish i score 210 out of 300 in group2 and i belong 1o b.c.m(w).is there any possibility of getting job?

    1. god...everything will be fine.

  24. it wil help to preparing tnpsc exam

  25. Is there any idea about group 2 question pattern change ?

  26. Hi, Just now i started preparation for group2 exams. May i know when will be the expected date for exam?...

    1. We can expect the group 2 exam by june.

  27. very very nice. i think its very useful for prepare the board examination.

  28. dear sir madam... when will i get the result in group2 rexam.

  29. My age is 24.and completed BE(ECE).I dont know how to prepare TNPSC exam.No time having to go coaching.I dont know how take study material from internet.Now i prepare CESE(Electrical).I dont know to take study material from internet.Please help.......send to this mail id

  30. My aim is to get a government job. How to prepare for tnpsc. Anyone pls guide me regarding the study materials for tnpsc and which group exam is easy to get pass. Is that syllabus is same for all the groups or it differs. IS any one having the old question paper model pls mail me at Anyone will guide me regarding this exam. Which is better self-study or going for coaching.

  31. i want to know about group 2 question pattern change?pls help me

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. i need group 2 syllabus and question pattern for 2013.pls help me

  34. When will the group 1 exam for 2013 is going to be held? And am doing final year in engineering and i will finish my degree by this may shall i appear for the exam?

  35. IS group 2 exam pattern also changed??? In annual planner also it has both prelims and mains...

  36. Hi. I have a query. In TNPSC group 2 there are interview & non-interview posts. Now they have published results for interview post and its counselling will start by 22.02.2013. I wish to know the procedure of selection for non-interview posts.Will they release the results and call out for counselling?

    Expecting your valuable reply shortly..

    1. am also expecting....soon thy will publish

  37. hi .... i am new to this ... very nice tips... i wish to prepare tnpsc group 2 exam but i dont know how to prepare for this... plz anyone help to guide me.. my mail id: thanks for advance...

  38. Hey if anyone can give an idea abt the kind of questions asked in Gp-2 interview, it would be nice..

  39. sir help me send current syllabus for TNPSC group2 and group4 exam

  40. sir,please send latest question papers for tnpsc group-4 exam.

  41. Dear Sir/madam how to prepare for group4 or vao exam plz help me sir plz send to some idea new materials and current affairs how to collect in internet plz say to my mail id :

  42. group4 question paper models also send to id

  43. superb description............ keep rockinggggg

  44. It's Very Useful Information...

  45. Hi friends,

    What is Group 1, 2, 3, 4 exams. I have completed M. Sc., Information Technology. Please guide me.

    Thank you.

  46. Hi, sir This all the tips are very useful for me. i finished B.Sc., Bio chemistry. i'm preparing for group I exam. some part of syllabus I feel so hard, like apps, mental ability. i'm doing self preparation. Please guide me.

  47. hi,sir.i have completed B.A (ENGLISH LITERATURE) B.ED.I FEEL SO HARD SOME PART OF THE SYLLABUS LIKE,MENTAL ABILITY,APPS,etc.i need some guidenc for this and as well as for mains preparation.........please guid me.

    thank u

  48. Hi i am Completed BE computer science ,I want to know i am elligible for Tnpsc group 2 and vao exams pls reply me...

    1. ya elgible..
      Basic Qualification for Group 1& 2 is : Any Degree
      V.A.O is :10 th pass..

  49. so kind of u ....and thank you so much

  50. I have one doubt. Actually i finished my and M.Sc(UK) in biotechnology and i have applied for the post of Scientist grade 2 , in which the eligible qualification is (Forensics, microbiology,biochemistry). And my doubt is whether can i apply for group 2 exams under my following qualification:
    1. As i did my in london , is this master degree valid to apply for this post or else can i apply with my B.Tech degree which i completed in India.
    If in case , my UK master degree is not valid for this exam, is there any possibility to use my degree in case of m.SC (i.e)is degree equivalent to degree in case of Group 2 exams.Pls help me out sir.

  51. hai dear friends ,can anyone suggest which are all best books to prepare for grp2 exam .I heard from someone that we have to read the 6th to 12th std all the this will work out ? orelse plz suggest which are all best books to prepare for grp2 in short time period.

  52. hi i want model que paper and syllabus for Assistant Engineer(Industries) exam

  53. hi tell me about group 2&4 exam.i am first to write this exam.i have finished ug degree

  54. Hi friends .... when Tnpsc combined engineering 2013 will published ? any idea about it? please reply friends?

  55. Hi friends .... when Tnpsc combined engineering Result 2013 will published ? any idea about it? please reply friends?

  56. Thank you for your tips its very useful

  57. I am jayakumar i have completed and now doing B.A English and B.Ed Already i have seleted group 2 exam but i have failed direct interview pls anybody give tips for interview thank u. Periyakulam.theni dt.

  58. Nice explanation for the preparing to the tnpsc coaching. And also there are lot of ways to without going to the study center.Lot of online materials available on internet.Use this resource absloutely free in some website.I found out one website which have lot of online materials and individual coaching for preparing those exams.

  59. dear sir,i am studying tnpsc group 4...if you have any material pl send my mail id
    help me anybody

  60. i am mugil sir .i am complete have one doubt sir.difference between interview post and non-interview post.pls tell me sir

  61. Can I apply for tn vao exam my age 20 now but Dec I am 21

  62. Can I apply for tn vao exam my age 20 now but Dec I am 21

  63. I am completed M.Sc Computer Science and working as Software Engineer for last 7 years and am 32 years old. I would like to write Group 2 exam and I would like to know what are the materials i need to read and is there any specific category like computer science is available in the exam. Kindly help.


  64. HI ALL.


  65. Hi sir
    I have finished diploma in electronics & Communication Engg. I am finished 10th,12th & DECE. Am i eligile for gr II Exam ?

  66. Hi Sir,

    Could you please tell me the minimum no.of days to prepare for TNPSC group-1 examination.

  67. Hi sir... How many days are need to prepare the TNPSC group 2 exam...???

  68. Thanks for your valuable tips, now i feel get through in tnpsc is so easy for me.

  69. hai sir anybody knows when ll the notification for group4 ll be the annual planner the xam in 28th july but even now theere is no notification pls ans to this

  70. Pls tell the tnpsc group 2 and group 4 exams date? When will give the application form?

  71. haii frnds hpw can i prepare for group 4 xm plss any one give suggestion

  72. i have been waiting 4 tnpsc gr2 non intvw reults...will thy publish or vacvancies closed?

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Give some ideas to prepare for group 4 exams.IS coaching classes is the only way to prepare for TNPSC exam???

  75. There are various classes offered on the online which will help an individual organize the particular test. People will often have to consider one of these brilliant classes but there are several online. One of several far better test program web sites are available in

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. I have completed in 10th and diploma in instrumentation. Am i eligible for group2 exam. Pls tell me

  78. Hi. I am non completed B.Sc. One paper arrear. Eligible for G4.pls reply me

  79. I was completed my MCA in 2006. eligible for group 1 & 2
    now I preparing for group 4.any body have material please send to my mailed

  80. hi i am doin 3rd yr B.e.. am i eligible for group4 exam.. please do help anyone..plzzz

  81. I need e-books for group4 preparation...please help

  82. First time i m writing group 4 exam, can u plz send me material for Indian Polity,Economy,History and Geography , science and technology to my mail,

  83. Hello Sir
    What is my cut off mark for my qualification I am completed 10+3
    (Tamil Medium ) Years Diploma in computer engineering and community is MBC
    ( most backward caste).

    Thanks & Regards
    Bandhala raja.S

  84. Hi sir
    I am preparing for group 4 exam ,I have taken general English can you send me materials to prepare to my email leelanov15@yahoo.

  85. any 1 pls suggest me that ,preparing old papers fr tnpsc group 4 xam will help us to get thru this xam ?????

  86. i just completed my degree.. as i seeking for a good job.. and in parallel am studying for govt exams too..can you people help me by sending materials??

  87. i want group 1 study material list.....plz send it

  88. hi, I want your guidance for TNPSC Group 1,2..Im bit confused wheather i want to join in coaching center or not.

  89. hi, i am a diploma holder i can write tnpsc group 2 examination

  90. I working in software company , I need to knw how to prepare in this short time,

  91. Hello Sir
    Please tel me whether there is any negative marks for tnpsc group2 exam

  92. hi am s very useful for me to know about group 2 exam... thank you very much...I want to know what are the postings are available by group 2 exam.

  93. I m a tnpsc aspirant and many people say that we could pass tnpsc exams ly if we have money and not through talent. Is that true ??

  94. Hello sir,, i'm an agri engg i eligible for group2 exams?
    if i'm eligible.. how can i prepare for it..pls help me id

  95. thanks for ur useful tips...can u plz refer some good books for preparing group 2 exam???

  96. Hello sir, can you tell me the age limit for group 1 and 2

  97. thanks for ur useful tips...can u plz refer some good books for preparing group 2 exam???
    my email id is

  98. i'm preparing for tnpsc 2A by using books like question banks.. is it fine? pls guide me

  99. i want Tamil Language, Tamil Tips I Want, because TNPSC IS TAMIL NADU

  100. sir I want last two years Tnpsc-Group 2a(NON Interview Posts).can u pls help me


  101. General Knowledge Questions in Tamil

  102. hi iam preparing for group 4 exams please send useful study material for group 4 my e-mail id

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